*100% of sales are donated *
The True Heroes:
T.J. Mauck (Prayer’s for T.J. Mauck)
DONATE LINK --> http://www.gofundme.com/ejlq0c
TJ Mauck was a normal, happy, loving, active 2 year old boy. Until a simple hernia surgery on 9/11/14 turned into a nightmare. Tj was diagnosed with Embryonal Paratesticular Rahbdomyosarcoma. A type of cancer that is extremely rare, one in millions. As you can imagine, his parents were full of heartache. TJ had CT and PET scans, bone marrow testing, a port put in his chest, and the little guy started his long journey. Tj underwent 24 weeks of intense chemotherapy treatment. As of March 2015, Tj is in remission! Praise God! He needs to have his port removed and will have his scans every 3 months but the big fight is over!
Angelina O’Steen (Team Angelina)
DONATE LINK --> www.cff.org/greatstrides (search Team Angelina)
Angelina Nicole O'Steen was born May 26,2009 with a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis in-utero. She had immediate surgery at Children's National Medical Center in Washington D.C. to correct a bowel obstruction, when she was about 23 hours old she got transferred from SOMD hops to Children's. She spent her first month in the NICU-not being able to eat for the first 3 weeks of life from anything but tubes. Angelina is now 5.5 years old, and by the looks of it she looks like your typical healthy child. She takes a regimen of meds including pancreatic enzymes and neb treatments. She has been a dancer for four years at Power Explosion, she loves to play outside, anything camouflage, Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty is her role model, & she has a huge heart. She knows she has ''65 Roses'' and does not let it stop her ever, and she pushes herself to be the best at everything!
Brayden Richards (Team Brayden)
DONATE LINK --> http://childrensnational.donordrive.com/team/mendedheartsclub2015
Brayden is a fun loving energetic 5 year old who has hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The left side of his heart never developed so basically he only has a half of a functioning heart. He has had 3 open heart surgeries and 4 cardiac catheterization surgeries. He is expected to need a pace maker within the next 2-3 years and a heart transplant in his early 20's. When he grows up he wants to be a firefighter!
Donald Quade, Justin Myles, LaKeisha Smith, Ron Vento, Wes Ryce, Donovan Farrell, Eric Scott
Waylon Woodburn (Team Waylon)
DONATE LINK --> ccf.org Waylon Walk Link
Waylon is a happy and energetic 6 year old boy living with Cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a life-threatening genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system. An estimated 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide) have CF. In the United States about 1,000 new cases of CF are diagnosed each year. More than 75 percent of people with CF are diagnosed by age 2. Nearly half of the CF population is age 18 or older. In people with CF, a defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections. CF also obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down food and absorb vital nutrients. In the 1950s, few children with CF lived to attend elementary school. Since then, tremendous progress in understanding and treating CF has led to dramatic improvements in the length and quality of life for those with CF. Many young adults with cystic fibrosis finish college or find jobs. Lung disease eventually worsens to the point where the person is disabled. Today, the average life span for people with CF who live to adulthood is about 37 years.
When Waylon grows up he wishes to become a police officer!
SoMd Heroes
"True Heroes"
“True Heroes”
Written by: Donovan Farrell
Produced by: Donovan Farrell and Wes Ryce
Vocals: Donald Quade, Wes Ryce, and LaKeisha Smith
Drums: Justin Myles
Bass: Eric Scott
Directed, Edited and Filmed by: Sargas Media (Vincent Chapman)
Drums recorded by Eric Taft at Buzzlounge Studio in Beltsville, MD.
Mixed and Mastered at Night Sky Studios by Ron Vento
Special thanks to:
Superheroes of Southern Maryland
Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department
St. Mary’s County Sheriff's Office
Maryland State Police (Leonardtown & Hollywood barracks)
Vera's Beach Club
Raising Money for the True heroes
Written By: Donovan Farrell
Featuring: Justin Myles (drums), Donald Quade (vocals), Wes Ryce (vocals), Eric Scott (bass), and LaKeisha Smith (vocals).
Hudson Gatton (#teamhudson)
DONATE LINK --> http://www.gofundme.com/l8jk14
On February 1, 2015, little Hudson (3 years old) was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Leukemia. His doctors and family are taking an aggressive approach and beginning chemotherapy right away. Please pray for the best of outcomes for this little man and his family as he begins his fight. In the meantime, please consider making a donation to off-set the medical expenses, food, gas and lodging costs his family will incur in addition to their everyday bills. No amount is too little...any and all prayers and donations are greatly appreciated. Let's help this wonderful family through the journey no one ever wants to take.
*100% of sales are donated *
Maddie Grace Major (Maddie Grace! Warrior Princess!)
DONATE LINK --> http://www.gofundme.com/Be-Maddies-Miracle
Maddie is 9 and she gives *Warrior Princess* all new meaning. Please help us on this journey with Maddie fighting her 6th fight with leukemia. Maddie's life continues to reveal to us that miracles are real and that the power of prayer will prove itself over and over. This little girl is currently battling cancer for the sixth time with a full on assault that will take her and her parents to Houston, Texas for the next 12 to 18 months. The Major family needs us now, more than ever. We are also asking you to help fund Maddie's Road to Remission by directly donating to the family, routinely over the next year. It costs $700 a month to run their house in Maryland while they're gone, flights for immediate family and they will need assistance to sustain themselves in Texas. If all of us could donate $25 or better each month, we could ease their burden and let them focus on their hardest battle yet. And just as important, we could prove to Maddie that fierceness of our bond to her, in fellowship, and as her community. This is the long haul and it's time for us to Be Maddie's Miracle, folks. Please help.